SenLinYu’s Fanfiction Masterpiece ‘Manacled’ Inspires Debut Novel Deal!

From Fanfiction to Fantasy: SenLinYu Signs Debut Novel Deal with Del Rey and Michael Joseph

I’m thrilled to share some exciting news that’s been brewing in the world of literature. SenLinYu, known for her captivating fanfiction works, including the widely admired “Manacled,” is taking a significant leap into the publishing world with her debut novel, “Alchemised.”

In a groundbreaking move, SenLinYu has inked a book deal with Del Rey at Penguin Random House in the US and Michael Joseph in the UK. “Alchemised” promises to transport readers to a mesmerizing realm of dark fantasy, where necromancy and alchemy intertwine in a war-torn landscape. The story follows a healer grappling with amnesia, thrust into the turmoil of war as a prisoner. As she fights to protect her lost memories and the secrets concealed within them, themes of trauma, survival, and the profound depths of love come to the forefront.

SenLinYu’s journey to publication has been a deliberate and thoughtful one. Mindful of her roots in fanfiction and the vibrant community surrounding it, she sought to navigate the transition with integrity and respect. Concerned about the illegal sales of “Manacled,” SenLinYu explored avenues to protect her work while preserving its essence. The result? A reimagined narrative that retains the heart and soul of the original, poised to captivate readers anew.

Guided by the expertise of publishing professionals, including visionary editor Emily Archbold at Del Rey and Rebecca Hilsdon at Michael Joseph, SenLinYu is poised to share her literary vision with the world. With publication slated for Fall 2025, anticipation is already building for the arrival of “Alchemised.”

But fear not, fans of “Manacled”! SenLinYu assures that the beloved story will remain available online throughout 2024 before undergoing its own transformative journey in 2025. Through this evolution, SenLinYu seeks to honor the legacy of her past works while embracing the boundless possibilities of her future as an author.

As we eagerly await the arrival of “Alchemised,” let’s extend our heartfelt congratulations to SenLinYu on this remarkable achievement. With her talent and imagination, there’s no doubt that she’ll continue to enchant readers for years to come.

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