Bunny by Mona Awad

Exploring the Enigmatic World of “Bunny” by Mona Awad


Step into the intriguing world of “Bunny” by Mona Awad, a mesmerizing tale that blurs the lines between reality and imagination. Samantha Heather Mackey, an outsider in her MFA program, finds herself drawn to a group of enigmatic girls known as the Bunnies. As she delves deeper into their sinister yet saccharine world, the boundaries of reality begin to blur, leading to a collision of friendships with deadly consequences. Awad’s spellbinding narrative explores themes of loneliness, belonging, friendship, and the power of imagination in ways that will leave readers breathless and eager for more.

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Unveiling the Layers:

Venturing into “Bunny” by Mona Awad was an experience filled with both intrigue and hesitation. While rumors of its unsettling nature sparked my curiosity, the reality left me with mixed emotions. Awad’s manipulation of magical realism intrigued me, yet I couldn’t shake the feeling of an elusive element missing from the narrative.

As a first-time reader of Awad’s work, I found myself appreciating her adept character descriptions, particularly of Samantha. However, there was a rawness to the tale that left me unsettled, with unanswered questions begging for exploration. The ambiguity of the storyline eventually pulled me out of the narrative, leaving me with a lingering sense of unease.

Despite my reservations, I’m not ready to dismiss Awad’s talent. I remain intrigued to explore more of her work, eager to uncover whether this narrative style is a recurring aspect or specific to “Bunny.” With a craving for answers and a thirst for more of Awad’s storytelling charm, I’ll be picking up another of her books in the hopes of discovering the magic that eluded me in this tale.

Xochitl Books

Tags: Fiction, Magical Realism, Psychological Thriller, Friendship, Imagination, Horror, Thriller, Fantasy

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