What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher

Exploring the Haunting Depths: A Review of “What Moves the Dead” by T. Kingfisher


Join me on a journey into the chilling depths of “What Moves the Dead” by T. Kingfisher. Set against the backdrop of a remote countryside in Ruravia, this atmospheric retelling of Edgar Allan Poe’s classic “The Fall of the House of Usher” promises a haunting experience like no other. When retired soldier Alex Easton receives word of their childhood friend Madeline Usher’s impending demise, they are drawn into a nightmare of fungal growths, possessed wildlife, and dark, pulsing lakes. As Alex navigates the eerie halls of the ancestral Usher home alongside a British mycologist and an American doctor, they must unravel the mysteries shrouding the Usher family before it consumes them all. Prepare to be ensnared by the sinister allure of the House of Usher and the secrets lurking within its walls.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Unveiling the Layers:

What Moves the Dead” by T. Kingfisher is a gripping tale that ensnared my imagination from the very first page. Despite my initial hesitations about retellings, Kingfisher’s masterful storytelling and atmospheric richness quickly dispelled any doubts. The brisk pacing and gothic allure of the setting held me spellbound, while the author’s skillful expansion of Poe’s narrative left me eagerly turning the pages.

One of the standout elements of the book is the exquisite environment crafted by Kingfisher. The haunting beauty of the gothic landscape drew me in, immersing me in a world teeming with fungal growths and possessed wildlife. While the storyline may tread familiar ground, the author’s expert execution and unexpected twists kept me on the edge of my seat until the very end.

If I had to nitpick, I would say that I longed for a bit more originality in the narrative. However, this minor quibble was overshadowed by the sheer atmospheric richness and engrossing storytelling. Overall, “What Moves the Dead” is a captivating read that left me hungry for more of Kingfisher’s enigmatic world.

Xochitl Books

Tags: Fiction, Gothic, Horror, Atmospheric, Retelling, Mystery

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